Tuesday, September 27, 2011

USS Essex versus HMS Guerriere

And now we come to the closing act of the year 1812 at sea. The encounter between the USS Essex and HMS Guerriere.
Now to the set-up. As the Essex is armed with carronades she will want to start the action at close range. If the Guerriere knows about the Essex and her armament then she will not want to close. The Guerriere will be given three chances to detect the Essex's carronades but only has a 1 in 6 chance of success. The Guerriere has overall an approximately 40% chance of success which feels about right, each individual chance represents the closing of the range until if she has failed all three she has entered the range of Essex and her carronades.
The Guerriere is either confident in her abilities or ignorant about the Essex's as she failed every chance given to respond. A couple more die rolls and Essex is placed directly astern of the Guerriere at close range with the wind directly behind them. So naturally the bow chasers of the Essex anounce that battle has commenced and misses.
Positioning Essex behind Guerriere means that their is no reason to fight instead it just remains a chase. Time for take 2, I will reposition the Essex a little bit off to starboard.
Now Guerriere turns to starboard and rakes Essex's bow causing damage and crew losses.
Essex turns to Port and rakes the stern of Guerriere causing damage but more importantly damaging her rudder. Unable to turn Guerriere must sail straight until she rolls a six. Essex caught on a different tack drops out of artillery range.
Then the fog rolls in ending the battle.
Well that was short and downright inconclusive.

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