Friday, November 20, 2009

An introduction

What is the ammunition box about?

The short answer is wargaming.

The long answer is whatever takes my fancy but primarily wargaming. At the moment my interests are wargame design, the war of 1812, WWII and the seven years war. But of course this change as like many of my peers we are attracted to collecting bright and shiny little figures and so suffer from short attention spans.

So what temptations am I resisting at the moment.
  • Napoleonics. Goodness knows why, but I have subscribed to the empre mail group at Yahoo. I haven't played this for 25 years. I also have a book on the 1805 campaign waiting to read that me tip over the edge. Just shoot me now.
  • Age of Sail. I have been think of doing a solo campaign of the war of 1812. So whats the first action of the war that I need to recreate. Its Rogers cruise around the Atlantic with the US fleet. That means painting and rigging of ships a true test of hand eye co-ordination a reminder that I am getting on.
  • WW1. The war to end all wars, the project to end all projects. I bought some 15mm Minifigs late war that are telling me that they need to be rebased to Flames of War. Why, I ask but they insist. That goodness I haven't found any rules yet.

Actually its the story of a man and his toys. The neverending avoidance of maturity and the battle between good and evil, right and wrong and column vs. line.


  1. 'the battle between good and evil, right and wrong and column vs. line'
    Great line I will use this.

  2. Maybe I should copyright it. I could make my fortune.

  3. How sad that I wind up using my own son's account to comment about my own blog. Anybody would think that I am attempting to gather support and sympathy. It was an honest mistake.

  4. its not sad, iGEnevitable yes, that GEORGE has a bogger account at his age!!
