Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The adventures of Commordore John Rodgers Pt 5 - A stern chase is a long chase

Goodness this is turning into a long saga.
When we left our intrepid hero he had finally caught upto to the Jamaica convoy. After a long stern chase they are just about to enter cannon range.
The game is fought using the Trafalgar set of rules. There will be six merchant ships traveling at half speed representing the convoy, chasing them will the six American ships in between will the two British ships. If the Americans reach a merchant then a new one is placed upon the table though must pass a Die Roll in order to start moving again.
Tactics for the game are that the British will shoot high in order to damage masts and rigging so as to slow down the Americans, while the Americans are under no such restrictions. Any tactical decisions will be made with the help of a D6 with 50% chance of occurring.
Turn 1.
Requiring a one on a d6 for each ship to enter the table the six ships of the U.S squadron all fail to show up. The British take advantage and get an extra turn of sailing done..
Turn 2.
This time requiring a one or two, three ships the United States, Hornet and President arrive and begin the chase.
Turn 3.
Now its the turn of the Constitution and Congress to arrive on a 1-3. First shots are fired with no effect.
Turn 4.
Wind drops slowing everybody down. This will have a greater impact upon the British as drop from 7 to 5. Oh and the Argus finally gets on to the table.
The President is hit with a long range shot from Thalia
Turn 5.
The wind shift a point clockwise.
With the Americans bearing down the captain of Thalia turns to bring his broadside to bear on the President and inflicts another hit. Reindeer fires and hits Congress but it is saved.
The Americans return fire with devastating effect. Hornet got three hits on Thalia and Congress gets one on Reindeer but all hits are saved.
Turn 6.
Thalia and President exchange broadsides. President gets four hits of damage on Thalia, but Thalia's return includes two critical hits amounts to 14 points of damage. This leaves no mast standing and most of crew as casualties.
The Americans get their revenge as Argus fires on Reindeer causing a fire and driving her out of the battle for a while.
Turn 7.
After the dismasting of the President, the Constitution is presented with the option to either battle Thalia or chases after the merchants. Perhaps driven by the thought of the prize-money or just missing the opportunity the Constitution ignores the battle to starboard and presses on towards the prize.
Though the Congress does arrive to continue the battle against the Thalia. Both sides exchange hits, Thalia saves two while Congress does not including a critical fortunately only three points of damage are recorded bringing down a mast. The President still in range of Thalia also fires but misses.
Turn 8.
Wind shift back counter clockwise.
The Argus moves to the assistance of the President.
Meanwhile Thalia and Congress fire at each other again exchanging damage.
Turn 9.
Hornet and the United States finally catch their first merchantmen.
Congress and Thalia continue to blast each other
Turn 10.
Hornet and the United States miss a turn as they process their prizes. They have to roll a 1 on a D6 in order to disengage.
Congress and Thalia continue to exchange damage. Though a critical causes on Thalia causes her to miss the next turn while Congress is down to a single mast.
Turn 11.
Hornet and the United States is still locked together with their prizes. They now require a 1 or 2. Constitution reaches her first prize.
Thalia turns away from Congress to chase down the Constitution. Meanwhile Reindeer which had been quiet for a while re-enters the battle with a broadside upon the hapless Congress reducing her to a single point of mast.
Turn 12.
With the Constitution distracted by her prize, Thalia closes up and opens fires, several critical hits destroy a mast and half crew.
Turn 13.
Not stopping at the Constitution the Thalia moves on to engage the United States who has finally won free of her prize to rejoin the battle. Hornet is also free so she begins moving towards the battle.
Turns 14-16.
The Constitution also joins the battle against the Thalia, so she is now engaged by three ships and over the next few turns is slowly pounded into pieces. Finally striking her colours.
Finally the guns fall silent, while the Americans have won it is no triumph. While they have captured four ships the rest of the convoy has escaped, both Thalia and Reindeer are barely afloat. The President is completely dismasted and half its crew are casualties, Congress has barely any masts left at all, both Constitution and the United States have lost masts and the Constitution has lost half its crew.

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