Sunday, March 29, 2015

Decion at Kasserine - Day1 1st Battle

An now we get to the first battle. In this case it is an air raid. The Luftwaffe launched a raid on Sidi bou Zid with the FW 190 of SKG-10 at the very start of the campaign. Something that I will also recreate.

The game will be played using command decision. An unusual choice for a game that involves only aircraft and flak but I have never used this part of the rules. So it will be a good training exercise.

SKG-10 comprises 3 staffel each of three aircraft. Each staffel will arrive from a random direction to allow for some differences in navigation. They will then bomb the town then strafe units they pass on the way back to base.

The defenders are two 40mm bofors from A battery 443rd Coastal Artillery Battalion with the rest of Combat Command A acting as targets.

Now as to what happened from the various airstikes.  
1st Staffel no effect
2nd Staffel lost one aircraft but hit 2/17th artillery battalion on it strafing run causing losses of one light truck and two medium trucks
3rd Staffel lost one aircraft no effect

Well that was interesting. The  airstikes were a complete failure against the town being able to do only morale tests. Of the strafing runs the 2/17 was especially hard hit and probably rendered inoperative for the rest of the command has it has almost no mobility left and the panzers are coming. The loss of two planes for the luftwaffe may have longer term consequences as the campaign unfolds.

Overall it was an interesting introduction to aircarft and they interact with ground operations. I think that there will be some thoughts on this later.

Allied positions around Sidi bou Zid

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