Friday, November 9, 2012

I'm back

So just when you had though you had almost forgotten me I return. Alas real life does get in the way of the important things such as gaming but for the moment I have some free time to both game and to update this blog.
Now in the many months since the last update there has been changes of interest as new toys are released and distract those of us with small attention spans and an attraction to shiny metal objects onto to new and wonderful toys. Perhaps the biggest is addition of plastics to the pile of unpainted figures that threatens to bury me. The first to attract my attention were the Victrix announcement of their intention to produce some plastic Greek Hoplites. So here was a chance to launch my long thought about Peloponnesian wars project though I still need some naval rules and boats before I get to carried away.. Alas they seemed to be stuck in development hell and were delayed for a long time. To console myself a purchase of some Warlord games ECW plastics was organised as a friend was playing Very Civile Actions by the Perfect Captain which was providing many entertaining games. But like many fads it came and went quickly. Though there is a hope of them returning to the paint desk sooner or later as there is talk of trying out Pike & Shotte.
Firelock storming party
Finally the hoplites are released and a box procured, so they are now awaiting a slot in the painting queue. But they have been bumped down the list by some plastic Vikings as I discovered SAGA. Still have not played a game yet but I do love its core mechanism with the dice. So hopefully by the end of the year I will have a small Viking and Anglo-Saxon army to try it out.
The plastics are all 25mm which is a lot of fun but there are still 15mm to be painted, I am still collecting and painting WWII for command decision. I was going to stop in the desert but I did some Americans for Tunisia and they are suitable for late war actions with only a few additions. They naturally need an opponent and before I new it a Soviet Rifle Regiment has magically appeared. So my 5mm microarmour collection is becoming a 15mm one as well.
Panthers on the prowl

Painting for the Renaissance continues with more Italian wars troops being procured. I have being using a combination of Venexia and Mitliton for new units, Now I had heard that Venexia had been sold to another company and that the moulds were therefore being remastered. Panic at this threat to my supply lines I contacted the local distributor with the hope of acquiring just a few packets of figures to keep me going in the interim. Alas they had more than a few packets, they had almost everything that I wanted. They don't now, I do, so 2013 will see more gendarmes and landsheckts appearing.
Ginetes on patrol
So now we get to the end of my travels and what of the future especially of this blog. I still intend to keep to writing the blog and chronicling my solo games and campaigns. Now the War of 1812 will continue but I need to get the booms out and do some reading for the Detroit sector. Plans for the Turkish invasion of Italy are on hold as I need to do some works on converting my Arabs into a Turkish army. With the Americans for WW2 done, I am interested in doing something with them. My first though was the first battle if Aachen but I still need to do some vehicles. The Bulge is a bit to obvious and too big. But Nordwind isn't and looks well documented so it looks I have a winner. So stay tuned for more excitement in the future.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

First unit/post of the year

Well first post of the new year, to show off my first new unit of the year.

Yes I know its cheesy to provide photographic evidence of your painting progress but I feel the urge celebrate the return of painting mojo. It will also hopefully prompt me to keep up the painting during the  course of the year and by default the blog updates. Though hopefully I will have more to say than just flash pictures of my new toys.
Now for the dull bit, some information. The figures are 15mm sword and bucklermen from Venexia. They are part of the expansion of my old Burgundian Ordonnance army into Italian Condotta both for FoG & FoG:R. Hence the earlier post about the Renaissance, so there will ve more of those to come, not just at the moment. More painting is requirred.

As for the photo. The wife got a new camera for Christmas and they are truly idiot proof as witnessed by my photo above.